The TRISTAN detector. Cosmic ray survey between latitudes 38ºN and 53ºS along the Atlantic Ocean


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  • uploaded July 5, 2021

Discussion timeslot (ZOOM-Meeting): 16. July 2021 - 18:00
ZOOM-Meeting URL:
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'TRISTAN (TRasgo para InveSTigaciones ANtarticas) is a high granularity tracking detector of the Trasgo family. It was developed to complement the other detectors of the ORCA observatory that have been installed in one of the Spanish bases in Antarctica. TRISTAN is composed of three RPC planes (Resistive Plate Chambers) and offers, (i) a surface of 1.8 m2, (ii) a high multiplicity tracking capability of charged particles, (iii) a position of resolution of around 30 cm2, and (iv) an angular resolution near 0.2 sr. The detector was equipped with a 1cm lead (Pb) plate in order to separate muons from the low energy electromagnetic radiation background.rnrnBefore being installed in the definitive location, we used the TRISTAN detector to collect data rnduring three journeys through the Atlantic Ocean between latitudes 36ºN and 52ºS on board of the Sarmiento de Gamboa and BIO Hesperides oceanographic vessels. The trips took place between Nov. 2018 and Dec. 2019 with the main purpose of analysing the capability of a Trasgo detector to explore the geomagnetic field variations and the different atmospheric behaviours at both hemispheres and in the Equator region.rnrnThe main technical aspects of the detector and its performance (efficiency, resolutions, and acceptances) will be discussed and the preliminary results on the analysis of the correlations between the measured cosmic ray rates at different arrival angles with the geomagnetic field will be presented.'

Authors: Hector Alvarez-Pol | Marwan Ajoor | Alberto Blanco | Pablo Cabanelas | Miguel Cruces | Jose Cuenca | Paulo Fonte | Yanis Fontenla | Damián Garcia-Castro | Juan A. Garzon | Georgy Kornakov | Teresa Kurtukian | Luis Lopes | João Saraiva | Marcos Seco | Victor Villasante
Indico-ID: 1395
Proceeding URL:


Damián Garcia-Castro

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