Cosmic ray acceleration and gamma-ray emission from protostellar jets
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- uploaded July 15, 2021
Discussion timeslot (ZOOM-Meeting): 15. July 2021 - 18:00
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ZOOM-Meeting ID: 98542982538
ZOOM-Meeting Passcode: ICRC2021
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'Synchrotron radio emission from non-relativistic jets powered by massive protostars has been reported, indicating the presence of relativistic electrons and mG magnetic fields. We study diffusive shock acceleration and magnetic field amplification in protostellar jets with speeds between 300 and 1000 km/s. We show that the magnetic field in the synchrotron emitter can be amplified by the non-resonant hybrid (Bell) instability excited by the cosmic-ray streaming. By using the synchrotron data we estimate the magnetic field in the synchrotron emitter and the maximum energy of protons. Protons can achieve maximum energies of about 0.1 TeV and emit GeV gamma rays in their interaction with matter fields. We predict that Fermi can detect gamma rays in IRAS 16547-5247 and IRAS 16848-4603. The detection of this radiation may open a new window to study the formation of massive stars, as well as diffusive acceleration and magnetic field amplification in shocks with velocities of about 1000 km/s.'
Authors: Anabella Araudo
Co-Authors: Alexandre Marcowith | Marco Padovani
Indico-ID: 1157
Proceeding URL:
Anabella Araudo