Multi-Messenger observations of the Fermi-LAT blazar 4FGL J0658.6+0636 consistent with an IceCube high-energy neutrino


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  • uploaded July 6, 2021

Discussion timeslot (ZOOM-Meeting): 16. July 2021 - 18:00
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'The detection of cosmic neutrinos raised many new questions in astroparticle physics, the most important of which is the identification of the neutrino emitters. After more than a decade of IceCube operations, the most promising neutrino astrophysical association remains the very-high-energy (VHE, larger 100 GeV) blazar TXS 0506+056.rnrnRecently, on November 14, 2020 the IceCube observatory reported the detection of a well-reconstructed high-energy neutrino event, IceCube-201114A, with a high probability of being astrophysical. Within the 90% IC201114A localization region only one known gamma-ray ( larger 100 MeV) source is found. This is 4FGL J0658.6+0636, associated with the active galaxy NVSS J065844+063711.rnrnIn this contribution, we will present results from the rich multi-messenger campaign triggered by the IceCube-201114A neutrino detection which has allowed us to collect simultaneous and quasi-simultaneous data for the gamma-ray source potentially associated with the neutrino. We find that NVSS J065844+063711 is a blazar and that its broadband properties resemble those of a high-synchrotron peaked object, making it a promising TeV emitter. Indeed, the detection of VHE photons ( larger 100 GeV) by the Fermi-LAT provides the first evidence of such emission from this object, making this blazar only the second VHE object found within the 90% confidence region of a well-reconstructed, high-energy IceCube event.'

Authors: Raniere de Menezes | Sara Buson
Co-Authors: Simone Garrappa | Marcos Santander | Uwe Bach | Yvonne Becherini | Elisa Bernardini | Alessio Berti | Mieke Bouwhuis | Matteo Cerruti | Florian Eppel | Marcello Giroletti | Andrea Gokus | Paul Hancock | Jonas Heßdörfer | Clancy James | Weidong Jin | Matthias Kadler | Alex Kraus | Jorge Otero-Santos | Georgios Filippos Paraschos | Konstancja Satalecka | Fabian Schussler
Collaboration: Ferrmi-LATVERITAS, H.E.S.S., MAGIC, MWA, TELAMON

Indico-ID: 776
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Raniere de Menezes

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