TAROGE experiment and reconstruction technique for near-horizon impulsive radio signals induced by Ultra-high energy cosmic rays
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- uploaded July 7, 2021
Discussion timeslot (ZOOM-Meeting): 16. July 2021 - 18:00
ZOOM-Meeting URL: https://icrc2021.desy.de/pf_access_abstracts
Corresponding Session: https://icrc2021-venue.desy.de/channel/Presenter-Forum-1-Evening-All-Categories/48
'Taiwan Astroparticle Radiowave Observatory for Geo-synchrotron Emissions (TAROGE) is antenna arrays sitting on high coastal mountains of Taiwan, pointing to the Pacific Ocean for the detection of near-horizon extensive air showers (EAS) induced by ultra-high energy cosmic rays and Earth-skimming tau neutrinos. TAROGE would improve the detection capability by collecting both the direct-emissions and the ocean-reflected signal on a vast area of ocean which is visible from Taiwan’s high mountains. Four TAROGE stations in Taiwan have been deployed in the past few years. Except for the first station, which is a prototype station for the purposes of radio survey and optimization of instrument parameters, other three stations are still operating.rnWe develop a new angular reconstruction method based on a deconvolution of radio reflection on the ground which is an important systematic effect for the near-horizon events. The response of the ground reflection is measured with a drone-borne calibration pulser. We achieved a sub-degree angular resolution for near horizon event. In this paper, we discuss details of the method and the results. A brief status report of the TAROGE project will also be reported.'
Authors: Yaocheng Chen | Pisin Chen | Jian-Jung Huang | Ming-Huey A. Huang | Chung-Yun Kuo | Tsung-Che Liu | Jiwoo Nam | Yu-Shao Shiao | Min-Zu Wang | Shih-Hao Wang | Yu-Hsin Wang
Collaboration: TAROGE
Indico-ID: 1218
Proceeding URL: https://pos.sissa.it/395/263
Yaocheng Chen