The EUSO@TurLab project in view of Mini-EUSO and EUSO-SPB2 missions


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  • uploaded July 5, 2021

Discussion timeslot (ZOOM-Meeting): 16. July 2021 - 18:00
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'The TurLab facility is a laboratory, equipped with a 5 m diameter and 1 m depth rotating tank, located in the fourth basement level of the Physics Department of the University of Turin. rnIn the past years, we have used the facility to perform experiments related to the observations of Extreme Energy Cosmic Rays (EECRs) from space using the fluorescence technique for JEM-EUSO missions with the main objective to test the response of the trigger logic. In the missions, the diffuse night brightness and artificial and natural light sources can vary significantly in time and space in the Field of View (FoV) of the telescope. Therefore, it is essential to verify the detector performance and test the trigger logic under such an environment. By means of the tank rotation, a various terrestrial surface with the different optical characteristics such as ocean, land, forest, desert and clouds, as well as artificial and natural light sources such as city lights, lightnings and meteors passing by the detector FoV one after the other is reproduced. The fact that the tank located in a very dark place enables the tests under an optically controlled environment.rnThanks to the Mini-EUSO data taken since 2019 onboard the ISS, it was possible to verify the reliability of the light conditions reproduced at TurLab. This contribution will report on the comparison between TurLab and ISS measurements in view of future experiments at TurLab. Moreover, in the forthcoming months we will start testing the trigger logic of the EUSO-SPB2 mission. We will report also on the plans and first measurements for this purpose.'

Authors: Hiroko Miyamoto
Co-Authors: Matteo Battisti | Alexander Belov | Mario Edoardo Bertaina | Francesca Bisconti | Francesca Capel | Giorgio Cotto | Renato Forza | Pavel Klimov | Massimiliano Manfrin | Marco Mignone | Lech Wiktor Piotrowski | for the JEM-EUSO collaboration
Collaboration: JEM-EUSO

Indico-ID: 614
Proceeding URL:


Mario Edoardo Bertaina

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