Towards a fast simulation of a water Cherenkov detector for gamma ray and cosmic ray experiments.
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- uploaded July 7, 2021
Discussion timeslot (ZOOM-Meeting): 16. July 2021 - 18:00
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'The secondary particles produced during the interaction of primary gamma rays or cosmic rays in the atmosphere can be measured using Water Cherenkov Detectors (WCD).rnDetailed simulations of the WCD signals produced by the interactions of the secondaries inside the detector are computationally time consuming, so a fast simulator is desirable.rnIn this work, we use complete and detailed simulations of a water Cherenkov detector based on Geant4 to obtain a parametrization of the average signal response for different types of secondary particles as a function of the particle energy and incident angle. This parametrization is used to generate approximate signals which match the signals generated by the full detector simulation.'
Authors: Patricia Hansen | Diego Gabriel Melo | Analisa Gabriela Mariazzi | Lukas Nellen
Indico-ID: 802
Proceeding URL:
Analisa Gabriela Mariazzi